Planning & Design Practice recently gained planning permission for the installation of a cooling and ventilation system, to be installed in the car park of Hallamshire Business Park, Sheffield. The application site is a vacant office building on the corner of Napier Street and Summerfield Street. It is envisaged that the unit will provide a more reliable and energy efficient system for the office building, which will reopen once Covid guidelines allow for the reopening of the building.
The proposed condenser units will serve the whole of the second floor as part of the wider scheme of refurbishment to provide an attractive, modern working environment.
The proposed plant will be sited within the car park of the office building and be used in connection with the use of the office. In close proximity to the site are flats and concerns were raised with regards to the amount of noise the proposed plant would emit. It was, therefore, considered necessary for a noise report to be submitted. In summary, the noise report noted this is an area with quite a high ambient noise level. When measuring the distance to the nearest properties and taking into account ambient noise levels, the noise report concluded the noise output would be around -6db below the night time background noise level.
Overall the proposed development was granted permission, and in doing so will support the refurbishment of an existing office complex to provide modern, attractive offices in a popular area of the city.
Planning & Design Practice have a wealth of experience in designing and securing planning permission for commercial projects.
We can support your development aspirations through the various stages of the planning process, including (but not limited to): feasibility studies, site promotion through the local plan, pre-applications, outline & full planning applications and appeals.
If you are unsure of your site’s potential, we are also able to provide our professional opinion on the planning potential of your property at the outset. Please contact us for more information at or on 01332 347371.