PDP were approached by CW Fletcher, leading manufacturers of precision engineered components, working within a diverse range of industries, principally aerospace, nuclear and space exploration. The company is based near Rother Valley Country Park, a short distance from junction 31 of the M1 and equidistant from Sheffield and Rotherham.
During the past three years CWF have secured a number of new contracts and firmed up planned sales to the point where they need to expand their facilities in order to realise their sales potential. Planning permission was granted in 2001 for a large new industrial building but only a third of this building has been constructed to date, meaning the remainder of the building can still be erected in accordance with those plans. However, they were keen to make some amendments to the approved plans.
The removal of a landscaping condition and a reduction in height of the building proved relatively straightforward but the removal of a planning condition requiring the provision of a right turn lane at the vehicular access (due to an expected increase in staff and hence traffic numbers) proved much more difficult to achieve. The approach we took was to engage specialist highway consultants to examine whether the right turn lane remains necessary and then hold pre-application discussions with Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council. Following a pre-application meeting with the planning and highways officers we advised the applicant to commission extensive research and traffic modelling of present and future year traffic generation scenarios which confirmed that there would be no significant queues/delays on Mansfield Road using the existing access arrangement, and so a dedicated right turn lane is not required. Having initially been very sceptical about the proposal, officers were convinced by the clear and unequivocal evidence submitted.
The application was subsequently approved and CW Fletcher can now proceed with their expansion plan without the new right turn lane which would have cost them hundreds of thousands of pounds and may have put the whole project in doubt.