Planning & Design Practice have recently secured outline planning permission for up to 95 homes to be built on this site of the Former Islamic Institute in Flintham. The site was originally developed by the RAF and is located adjacent to existing properties, the cricket pavilion and the A46. It has been vacant for over 10 years leading to the complex of buildings becoming derelict. Attempts were made previously to secure the redevelopment of the site without success. Part of the site was used in the recent upgrade of the A46 resulting in the site being split into two parcels of land.
As part of the design process Planning & Design conducted a public consultation where there was overwhelming support for the redevelopment of a site which detracted from the overall character and appearance of the village. The Flintham Conservation Area boundary is defined by the grounds and ancient woodland located on the other side of the Cricket Green and associated with the Listed Flintham Hall.
A number of challenges arose in the progression of the application primarily in relation to ecology and drainage due to the Brownfield nature of the site providing potential habitats for a range of protected species recorded nearby and in reaching agreement on how surface water should be managed. Additional work was carried out to support our position and satisfy the respective statutory consultees. The proposal had already been considered acceptable in terms of Highways, its response to Heritage Assets and any potential landscape impacts. Flintham’s affordable housing needs, as identified by the Borough Council, will be met in their entirety through the development of this site. The wider needs of the village are also addressed through a broad mix of market housing.
The approval of this scheme maximises the benefits of redeveloping a Brownfield site through the efficient use of land, demonstrates that an attractive entrance to the village can be achieved using key place making principles and makes a significant contribution to Rushcliffe Borough Council’s supply of deliverable housing land in a sustainable location.