Urban Design Specialists

At Planning & Design Practice, we have a talented group of planners and urban designers who can work with you to create outward-looking inclusive designs which will be supported by local Planning Authorities.

Urban design is about making places and creating healthy communities that support well-being. Places where people want to live and be proud of, where houses, jobs, schools, shops and community facilities are brought together. It’s about integrating new development into the fabric of existing cities, creating new towns and villages, and extending existing urban areas.

At Planning & Design Practice, we’re passionate about the built environment, and helping to create a more positive and sustainable future. Our team offer a comprehensive service combining both planning expertise and architectural flair from beginning to end to ensure you’ve always got the support you need. To find out more about our team and how they can help you with your urban design aspirations, get in touch with us today.

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Urban design has a key role in tackling climate change, in making future places more robust to withstand the impact of climate change and adaptable to changing conditions.

Urban Design Projects

We have worked on a wealth of urban design projects helping our clients create new and thriving communities. Our past projects include:


We operate in four locations across the UK: Derby, Matlock, Macclesfield and Sheffield. Each of our locations boasts an impressive team of expert designers, consultants, architects and architectural assistants who are able to help you with any of your design needs.

Get in touch with one of our team members at an office that suits you or fill in our online contact form to see how we can help your design needs.

Contact Our Urban Design Specialists

At Planning & Design Practice, clients are at the heart of everything we do. That is why our team will always work alongside you to achieve your goals. Our in-house team of conservation specialists, planning consultants and RIBA chartered architects will work hand in hand to offer you the very best support and advice throughout your time with us.

To find out more about how we can help you with your urban design project contact one of our team to arrange a free, no-obligation consultation with us.