Consent for Green Belt workshop conversion

PDP_Green Belt Workshop

We are pleased to announce that planning consent has been granted for the change of use of a workshop to form a single new home at The Flourish, Dale Abbey, Ilkeston. Approved by Erewash Borough Council in December 2024, the project demonstrates a positive application of sustainable development in the Green Belt through the adaptive re-use of an existing structure.

In securing this success, our planning and architectural teams worked collaboratively to produce robust, policy-compliant proposals that accounted for the condition of the existing workshop, site access, amenity provision and the impact on the surrounding rural landscape.

Shaping the Planning Strategy

Given the site’s location within the Green Belt, the planning strategy was critically shaped by Paragraph 84 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (2023 Version), which sets out the acceptable circumstances through which isolated homes in the Green Belt can be delivered. In this instance, Paragraph 84c was utilised to establish the principle of development, as it permits the development of homes in the Green Belt where ‘the development would re-use redundant or disused buildings and enhance its immediate setting’.

The Design Response

In response to Paragraph 84c, the change of use proposals sought to retain the existing structure as much as possible and use the existing footprint to deliver a single storey, two bed dwelling, which would meet the Nationally Described Space Standards (NDSS). The proposals also included further works to improve the overall appearance and setting of the site, through landscaping improvements and the provision of designated parking.

The resultant scheme therefore offered a well-presented dwelling which sought to incorporate the rural characteristics of its setting to enhance the appearance of the existing built form.

Unlocking Opportunities in the Green Belt

Securing planning permission for homes in the Green Belt is often a complex and challenging process. This successful application underscores the opportunities for bespoke rural conversions to come forward where the development would constitute the re-use of a redundant or disused building and highlights how creative, policy-aligned proposals can pave the way for innovative and sustainable rural development.

Should you wish to discuss your own project aspirations, or enquire about our planning and architecture services, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Mollie Arif, Planner, Planning & Design Practice Ltd

Greenbelt workshop – recognising the potential

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