Planning & Design Practice announce that householder planning permission has been secured for the restoration of outbuildings to provide additional living space at a site in Cawthorne, South Yorkshire, working in partnership with Davey Stone Associates.
The site is located within the village of Cawthorne, a village surrounded by countryside and that is largely within a conservation area. Due to this designation, it was important to maintain the appearance of the dwelling and outbuildings in order to preserve the character of the conservation area. This meant that careful consideration was given to ensure that the design and alterations of the dwelling were in keeping with the character of the conservation area and the surrounding areas.
The proposed alterations sought to connect both outbuildings to the main dwelling, to create a larger single home. The proposed external alterations were kept to a minimum. New windows and doors were mainly located in existing openings, with some internal alterations. As the building is not listed, these alterations do not require planning permission.
The proposals did not seek to make any alterations to the front elevation of the dwelling, which fronted the main highway. All of the proposed alterations are to be undertaken out of sight from the public highway, with the majority proposed within the domestic courtyard to the rear.
The National Planning Policy Framework sets out what considerations should be taken when proposals effect a heritage asset. Paragraph 208 states that when proposals will lead to less than substantial harm, this harm should be weighed against the public benefits of the proposal. Incorporating the outbuildings into the existing dwelling will secure their long-term future and prevent further deterioration. As the proposals would result in little harm to the conservation area, it was considered to be acceptable and planning permission was granted.
Listed Buildings, Building Restoration and Conservation Specialists
A multi-disciplinary team of Chartered Town Planners, and Architects, Planning & Design Practice also have in house heritage specialists who work on a variety of projects that are concerned with Listed Building Consent, Conservation Areas, building restoration and World Heritage Sites. We always work with the client and the local authority to get the best outcome. If heritage is a deciding factor in your future development plans, please get in touch to find out how we can help you, on 01332 347371 or email