Holiday Lodges
Holiday Lodges
Project:  Holiday cottages, Tansley, Derbyshire
Location:  Tansley, Derbyshire

Client Intro & Project Brief:

The Client wanted to create a modest development of 5 holiday lodges and new access to supplement the agricultural farming enterprise. The proposed site was of relatively low agricultural value and the Client wanted to use it for something that would generate higher income.

Site Description:

The site lies in open countryside where new development will only be permitted where it is for an operation appropriate to such a location and is in keeping with the character of the countryside. It is primarily relatively low-quality grassland and slopes gently from north to south.

Design Concept – Holiday lodges:

There has been an increased demand for UK-based holidays in recent years as the cost of foreign travel increases. Holiday lodges offer a year-round service and are well suited to extended friend and family get-togethers (a growth sector within the tourism industry) and can be inexpensive in comparison to serviced accommodation.

The Client had undertaken a lot of research before approaching Planning & Design Practice Ltd (PDP) to help with their planning application for a glamping site. They had decided on the type of cabin they wanted to erect on the site.

We worked with them to create a layout that worked within the planning constraints of the site, using a -pre-fabricated- cabin construction type that helped to provide more certainty on the construction cost of the project.

The large 32m2 living area accommodates a kitchenette, dining area and leaves plenty of space for living. The total internal area is 58m2 and then an additional 6 x 3m veranda to maximise summer enjoyment.

Problems to Solve:

The existing landscaping on the site was established but not sufficient to effectively screen the site from the road and surrounding landscape. Working with the existing planting and proposing new

The preferred access to the site was problematic as it also served as lay-by bus stop. We worked with the Client to provide alternate access off a ‘smaller’, less busy road.

Project Outcome:

We secured planning permission for this modest glamping site in the open countryside. The results are a development that delivers social and economic advantages, creating jobs and additional benefits to the area without detriment to the open countryside. The development is sustainable and the limited impact of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the area is outweighed by the benefits of permitting the application.