Oaklands is a large Victorian villa within the Strutts Park Conservation Area and Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site Buffer Zone. Used as an NHS clinic for many years, the building and its grounds had fallen into a state of disrepair.
We worked closely with Derby based housebuilders Meadowview Homes to prepare a sensitive redevelopment scheme involving the retention and restoration of the villa itself, and the construction of a terrace of nine new houses within the grounds. Despite support from Derby City Council Planning Officers to the sympathetic design of the scheme given its heritage context, the Planning Committee resolved to refuse the application on highways grounds. We subsequently prepared an appeal and the Inspector agreed that the development would not be detrimental to highway safety.
The terrace was subsequently built by Meadowview Homes to a high standard, and proved popular with purchasers, selling quickly. Meadoview have gone on to invest in the restoration of Oaklands itself, helping to return the building to its former glory.