Successful appeal for barn conversion extension

Planning Appeal, Barn Conversion

Planning & Design Practice have successfully overturned a decision to refuse planning permission for a single-storey extension, a roof extension between garages, and the retention of a patio and pergola to an existing barn conversion in North East Derbyshire.

The house is a former agricultural building which was converted to a dwelling under Class Q permitted development rights.

The planning application was initially refused due to concerns that the modifications would alter the building’s character, giving it a more domestic appearance and significantly changing its scale. The case officer also believed that the changes would negatively impact the character of the countryside.

During the appeal process, we successfully argued that:

  • The principal elevations of the dwelling remains unchanged;
  • The nature of the change of use from an agricultural building to a dwelling invariably introduces a more domestic appearance;
  • The design of the proposed development is simple and robust with materials to match the existing building;
  • The proposed changes increase the habitable floor space by 30m2, which is a modest change and would not significantly alter the building’s scale or character;
  • Two similar appeal decisions for extensions and alterations to barn conversions demonstrated that the proposed changes would remain subservient to the original building.

The inspector agreed with these arguments, concluding that the proposed development would be of a limited scale and would appear clearly subordinate to the original building. They noted that the roof line and materials would help integrate the changes with the host building, allowing the dwelling to retain a simple, utilitarian appearance. Overall, the inspector found that the scheme would not harm the character and appearance of the host property or the surrounding area, leading to a successfully allowed appeal.

Megan Askham, Planner, Planning & Design Practice Ltd.

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