Success for Sheffield parking scheme

Sheffield Parking Success

Planning & Design Practice are delighted to announce that full planning permission has been secured for a new means of access and car parking extension for a business in Sheffield.

The site is located within a Fringe Industry and Business Area, as detailed in the Sheffield Core Strategy, with good access links to the M1 Motorway and Meadowhall interchange. The business has grown in recent years and required a new access road to allow easier access for HGV’s arriving at the site. As a result, the existing car park needed to be extended to allow for HGVs manoeuvring in the site, but still allowing for sufficient staff car parking provision.

The new access point needed to demonstrate safe visibility splays. After discussing this with the applicant, the new access point into the site was agreed which could demonstrate safe access to and from the site, whilst still providing sufficient round for HGVs to manoeuvre within the site.

The site was within a sustainable area, serviced by public transport and accessible by cycling and walking. The site was not located in an area at risk of flooding, and the land is previously developed and underutilised.

Local planning policy allows for alterations to existing businesses, as long as it is well-designed and appropriate in scale.

As the application was submitted after the new biodiversity net gain legislation had been adopted, a baseline ecological assessment of the site needed to be provided. This provided details on the sites existing ecological value and what would be needed to demonstrate a 10% improvement. After discussions with the Officer, it was agreed that this assessment was suitable and the improvements could be delivered by a condition.

A RIBA Chartered practice Planning & Design Practice Ltd is a multi-disciplinary team of RTPI Chartered Town Planners, Architects, Architectural Assistants and Heritage Specialists. Gaining planning permission is a key step in almost any development. We can take a project through from inception to completion, but we also offer the flexibility to engage a client’s own architects and provide a planning service, whilst our design team can also work with clients who have engaged other town planning professionals.

Planning & Design Practice Ltd are well versed in researching and understanding local Council’s policies to ensure the best possible case if put forward for our clients.

For a free, no obligation consultation to discuss your project, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on 01332 347371 or

Shaun Hyde, Chartered Town Planner, Planning & Design Practice

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