PDP secures consent for new homes and commercial development at Brailsford

Brailsford Planning Appeal

Following an appeal hearing in July Planning & Design were delighted to receive the inspector’s decision to grant planning permission for our mixed-use scheme at Brailsford.

Brailsford is a popular village within the Derbyshire Dales district midway between Derby and Ashbourne. It has a primary school, church, village hall, pub, doctors’ surgery and bus links to Derby and Ashbourne. The availability of smaller and more affordable housing within the village is limited however, there are relatively few commercial and local retail facilities to serve the community, and safe pedestrian crossing facilities across the main road through the village, the A52, are lacking. Our outline application, submitted on behalf of a local farming family, sought to provide these additional facilities whilst maintaining the rural character of the area.

The proposed development at Brailsford, which lies South of the A52 immediately to the West of the village, includes up to 75 new homes of which 30% will be affordable housing, public open space, up to 500 square metres of commercial development which could allow for a village shop or other employment space, two pedestrian crossings across the A52, bus stop improvements, a new public footpath and payments towards education and healthcare provision in the area.

The site forms part of a large field which is currently sown with commercial crops. The northern part of the field only was proposed for development, leaving the southern part left open to help protect the rural setting of the Brailsford conservation area which lies to the east and nearby listed buildings.
In reaching his decision, the inspector agreed that the setting of the listed buildings would not be harmed and that the minor impacts on the setting of the conservation area would be outweighed by the public benefits of the scheme, including the delivery of new homes at Brailsford at a time of acknowledged shortage within the Derbyshire Dales.

Jon Millhouse, Director, Chartered Town Planner, Planning & Design Practice Ltd

Brailsford – a success for our Appeals Service

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