North East Derbyshire District Council has launched a call for sites. The Council is asking for submissions to help understand where land that can be developed in the future is located within the borough.
The Council is looking for land which does not currently benefit from Planning Permission and can include sites located within the Green Belt. The call for sites is for sites with development potential for a range of uses and includes:
- Residential development of five or more dwellings
- Self-build or custom build housing sites
- Biodiversity receptor sites
- Retail development
- Offices, Factories and Commercial Development
- Gypsy, Travellers or Travelling Showpeople sites
- Public Open Space
- Community Facilities
- Any other developments/uses
North East Derbyshire District Council adopted its current Local Plan in November 2021. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires Local Plans to be reviewed every five years in order to be considered ‘up to date’ and for its policies to be given full weight in the assessment of planning applications.
The government has recently consulted on changes to the plan making process that are referred to in the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act but will require secondary legislation to be implemented.
The transition arrangements require Plans that are to be considered under the existing arrangements to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for examination by the summer of 2025. In line with this and the commencement of work on a new local plan, the Council anticipate that a number of strategic policies will need to be reviewed, including the supply of housing and employment land and the implications of the Environment Act 2021 and biodiversity net gain.
North East Derbyshire Council are therefore conducting a call for sites to people and organisations the opportunity to submit sites with the potential for new development or uses. The sites put forward which will become part of the evidence base which informs new planning policy documents, such as the Local Plan.
What is a call for sites?
In the UK, local authorities are required for provide up-to-date, informative overview of sites suitable for housing and other kinds of developments. These sites should be documented within the Local Plan and provide sufficient housing for the area to meet the projected need over the length of the local plan.
The call for sites exercise is a special consultation that authorities use to source new potential sites. Property developers and other interested parties can submit their sites or locations to local authorities during the call for sites, which may help select future development sites. At the same time, a neighbourhood plan by a parish or town council might also issue a call for sites, which is another opportunity for submission.
What sites can be submitted to North East Derbyshire Council?
The Council’s call for sites covers the majority of allocated land within the local plan and is therefore relevant to a range of prospective uses. These are discussed in more detail below. All types of land can be considered including agricultural, equestrian and previously developed land may be submitted.
Usually, sites that are located within or next to the built- up boundaries of existing settlements are likely to be admitted into local and neighbourhood plans.
Small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale developments may all be submitted to a call for sites. National guidance requires that local authorities must consider all sites that can deliver at least five dwellings.
Self-build or custom build housing sites of one or more dwellings.
North East Derbyshire Council are looking for sites that could accommodate commercial development with a floorspace of 500sqm or more. This can include a wide range of commercial uses such as offices, factories or retail.
Other uses
Biodiversity receptor sites with an area of 500sqm or more. This is the result of new legislation which came in effect earlier this year. The Council are looking for land that can be improved to provide gains in biodiversity across the Local Authority area and be managed for the next 30 plus years as sites dedicated to wildlife enhancement.
Public Open Space relates to anything from formal parks to football pitches and green space or hard surfaced area (pedestrianised) that provide open access.
Community Facilities is a broad term which encompasses uses within Use Class F2 of Business and Planning Act 2020
North East Derbyshire Council are also looking for sites available for Gypsy, Travellers or Travelling Showpeople sites of 500sqm or more.
What happens if my site is allocated?
If your site is selected for allocation within the North East Derbyshire Council local plan this means that the principle of residential development is acceptable. You will still need to prepare a planning application to show the exact details of the development, but it should mean that permission is granted for housing development.
Get in touch
If you have a site that you would be suitable, please do get in touch to find out how we can help you realise this opportunity to put your land forward for development and support you through the process.
Our RTPI Chartered town planners bring a wealth of experience, having worked in the public and private sectors, and have excellent working relations with Local Planning Authorities.
The Deadline for submission closes on 10th January 2025.
You can call us on 01332 347 371 or email – we look forward to hearing from you.