Planning permission for new Sheffield apartments

PDP_Student Development Sheffield

Planning & Design Practice is delighted to have secured planning permission for 8 apartments on land at Cross Street, Sheffield. The proposed development includes the erection of a two-storey building and the extension and change of use of an existing two-storey building, as well a bin/bike store, parking area, landscaping, and outdoor space.

The application site is located on the eastern side of the Market Square in Woodhouse shopping centre, which is defined in the Sheffield Unitary Development Plan as a ‘District Centre’. A mixed-use area comprising of a range of commercial uses on the ground floor, and residential uses on the upper floors. The existing buildings on the site are 2 and 3 storey stone faced domestic style, dating from the 18th and 19th centuries. The site is set back approximately 15m off Cross Street and elements of the site are within the ‘District Centre’ designation.

The development seeks to make effective use of brownfield land in a sustainable location close to a range of services and facilities. The design of the site establishes a strong sense of place along Church Lane whilst optimising the potential of the site to accommodate and sustain an appropriate amount / mix of development to support local facilities and transport networks; creating a development that is safe, inclusive, and accessible by design.

The Planning Officer concluded that residential development would “not prejudice the dominance of preferred retail uses” in the District Shopping Centre and would “assist the aims of the Core Strategy in providing new homes in a sustainable, brownfield location, within an existing centre, at an appropriate density”. Given that Sheffield City Council is currently unable to demonstrate a 5-year housing land supply, the “tilted balance” set out in the National Planning Policy Framework was applied and the officer attributed significant weight to the contribution the proposal would make to the supply of homes in Sheffield.

With an office at the Workstation, and with numerous clients and projects in the area we are proud to have a close connection with Sheffield. Please get in touch for advice on local planning & development.

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