Saddle up for equestrian success

Equestrian Success

Planning & Design Practice is pleased to announce that planning permission has been secured for use of an existing stable block and equestrian facilities as a livery yard for up to 5 horses in addition to the existing private use of the facilities.

The application site currently comprises equestrian land with a stable block, canter track, menage and associated lighting for private use. These facilities were completed in 2022 to provide horse riding and livery facilities for the applicants and their family. However, the applicants have had many requests from close-by horse owners for use of their livery and equestrian facilities. Therefore, the approved permission will make more efficient use of the site, which is currently underutilised as the residents are often competing away in the evenings and on weekends.

We understand that the proposed use of the equestrian facilities would not be essential to the rural economy, but it would be otherwise appropriate in the countryside given that the keeping of horses is an appropriate rural pursuit. In line with local plan policy SP8, the development provides facilities for the use of the general public or local community close to an existing settlement and creates a new business appropriate to the countryside.

There will be no adverse impacts on highways safety, flood risk, heritage assets or the amenities of surrounding occupiers and no other significant planning issues have been raised by the proposal.

Despite what is often thought about the limitations of rural planning policy, there are many routes homeowners, landowners and farmers in rural areas can take in order to secure new development. We have vast experience of working on rural projects including equestrian development, barn conversions and tourist accommodation.

If you are looking to secure planning permission for a property or business please call us on 01332 347371 . We provide an initial no obligation consultation and can help you make the right decision.

Megan Askham, Planner – Planning & Design Practice Ltd.

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