Constructive thinking in Derbyshire Dales delivers Elderly Needs Accommodation

PDP_Elderly Needs Accommodation

Planning & Design Practice is pleased to announce that planning permission has recently been secured for the erection of linked dependent relative accommodation located within the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site Buffer Zone and Matlock Bath Conservation Area.

The site is located with the defined countryside to the east of Matlock Bath and comprises a large domestic property with a generous curtilage that wraps around the property. The property sits in relative isolation, bounded by open countryside to the north, east, south and west.

Figure 1: Photograph of the existing house

The dependant relative accommodation would comprise of an open plan kitchen/dining/living room area, a single bedroom, utility room and bathroom.

The proposed ’pseudo’ agricultural style dependant relative accommodation/garage building would be linked to the host dwelling by a discreet flat roofed glazed link.

The linear, rectangular shaped corrugated metal clad building with a shallow pitched roof of simple form and shape is considered to have a convincing agricultural appearance that would successfully integrate with the former reconstructed Farmhouse. The dependant relative accommodation would predominately be powered and heated by the Ground Source Heat Pump and PV panels which already power and heat the host dwelling.

Figure 2: Approved elevations

Derbyshire Dales has a significantly older population structure than most local authority areas and the evidence within Council Local Plan indicates that the population of people aged 60 plus is anticipated to rise by 32% over their plan period (2017 – 2033).

Planning & Design Practice applauds Derbyshire Dales District Councils planning policy stance on such developments which support the provision of accommodation for older people to ensure that the elderly are able to sustain on-going independence either in their own homes or with the support of family members. To enable this, the Council considers strict evidence-based proposals for the creation of self-contained annexes and extensions to existing dwellings in order to accommodate an elderly or disabled dependent.

We have vast experience of working on these types of projects for homeowners and landowners to ensure the best possible case is put forward to justify the need for such Elderly needs accommodation. We can provide you with expert advice on issues to be taken into account prior to submission of your application through to receiving the decision.

For a free, no obligation consultation to discuss your project, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on 01332 347371.

Andrew Stock, Principal Planner, Planning & Design Practice Ltd.

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