Planning & Design Practice Ltd were delighted to secure another Derbyshire barn conversion under Class Q permitted development rights. The modern, steel portal framed building sits in the corner of a large grassy paddock, immediately surrounded by undeveloped agricultural fields in the heart of the Derbyshire countryside. The proposed conversion will benefit from the stunning south-facing aspect of the rolling landscape, combined with comfortably modern open-plan living inside.
Class Q, the permitted development right to change the use of an agricultural building into a dwelling which has been with us for some time now, originally introduced in April 2014. Over the years a significant number of additional new homes have been provided by converting redundant agricultural buildings into homes.
Following careful assessment of the planning history and the structural integrity of the building we were comfortable in advising the landowner and occupant, and submitted an application under Class Q. This is legislation which sets a number of criteria which fix clear parameters to the design of the building. The intention with Class Q is to retain the agricultural character of the building whilst providing a modern attractive home.
Class Q’s are something Planning & Design Practice Ltd are well versed in, having helped lots of home owners imagine and realise their dream homes. The permitted development right is a notoriously complicated and thorny issue with many Planning Authorities. Since the permitted development right was introduced there have been several notable appeal decisions which have altered and clarified how Class Q applications should be dealt with by an Authority. You can read more about this here.
The Class Q permitted development rights allow us to bring back into use our redundant agricultural buildings to provide modern attractive home which celebrate the changing nature of our countryside and go some way to addressing the nationwide push to build more homes, particularly in rural areas in a way that is more sustainable and architecturally provides an interesting design challenge.
We have vast experience of working on rural projects for homeowners, landowners and farmers in rural areas including barn conversions (both via a planning application and Class Q) and farm diversification schemes. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for a no obligation consultation to discuss your project or property.