In good health thanks to planning success


Planning & Design Practice have secured planning permission, alongside Urban Design & Consult, to refurbish and extend a health centre and former pharmacy building to provide additional consultation rooms and office space. The additional space will create office space, an additional consultation room as well as a small kitchen. The site lies in a residential area of Stockport surrounded by homes in need of additional infrastructure and services.

The rationale for the development was driven by a desire to merge the existing health centre with a nearby practice, meaning additional administration and consultation space will be required to accommodate the additional staff and patients. The previous pharmacy tenants vacated the premises due to an end in tenancy agreements, leaving space for the expansion of the health centre. The proposal complies with policies CS-5 and AS-2 of the Core Strategy as the extension and refurbishment will adequately provide for the needs of the borough’s population.

As stated within the officer’s report, the development will follow the criteria from the quality places policies of the Core Strategy. Policy SIE-1 requires that all development is designed and landscaped to the highest contemporary standard, with specific account of the use of materials, safety and security of users, and provision, maintenance and enhancement of access, privacy and amenity. There will be a minimal impact on neighbouring amenities from a visual perspective as no new windows will be implemented and the building will not increase in height, meaning there will be no impact from an overlooking or overbearing perspective.

We are excited to see work progress on site to enhance the health centre and provide additional appointments for the residents of the nearby area.

Planning & Design Practice have a wealth of experience in designing and securing planning permission for commercial projects, for clients across the country.

We have the required skills to design both small and large scale schemes in-house and tailor the design to the client’s unique specifications.

We can support your development aspirations through the various stages of the planning process, including (but not limited to): feasibility studies, site promotion through the local plan, pre-applications, outline & full planning applications and appeals. If you are unsure of your site’s potential, we are also able to provide our professional opinion on the planning potential of your property at the outset. Contact us on 01332 347371 for a no obligation consultation to discuss your project or property.

Megan Askham, Planner – Planning & Design Practice Ltd.

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