Planning success promotes industry


Planning & Design Practice Ltd is pleased to announce that planning permission has been secured for the erection of 3 no. commercial/industrial buildings for B2 (Industrial), B8 (Storage & Distribution) and E(g)(iii) (Industrial Processes) helping promote industry at a site in Longcliffe, Derbyshire.

The application site is a roughly rectangular shaped 0.26 ha plot set over two levels located within the established industrial/commercial area of Longcliffe.

The redevelopment of the site was specifically developed for our client (SWR Property Holdings Ltd) to enable a multi-use site for both their existing businesses, Robinsons Longcliffe Ltd and Telford Group Ltd.

The Architectural Team in collaboration with the Planning Team at Planning and Design Practice Ltd prepared a sensitive scheme that would make efficient use of land in terms of maximising the number and size of unit’s deliverable on site, whilst minimising the potential impacts on the countryside.

Figure 1: Proposed Site Layout

Building A is a two-storey steel portal framed building with a gross internal floor area of approximately 311m2. The building would contain a vaulted commercial/industrial space with ancillary office accommodation.

Figure 2: Building A

Building B is a single storey steel portal framed building with a gross internal floor area of approximately 214 m2. building would contain 3 no. units for commercial/industrial/storage uses, each with a single toilet.

Figure 3: Building B

Building C is a steel portal framed building with a gross internal floor area of approximately 151 m2. The building would be used for commercial/industrial/storage uses with a single toilet. The exterior of the building would be clad/roofed with a corrugated metal sheeting material (anthracite grey).

Figure 4: Building C

Robinsons Longcliffe Ltd has undertaken steel fabrication for many of the heavy industrial and quarrying companies in the county and also nationwide. They have been operating in the area for almost 70 years and have gained an excellent reputation as a go-to company for industrial solutions.

It was successfully argued that the redevelopment of the site for new build B8 (Storage and distribution) and E(g)(iii) (Industrial Processes) units would be an appropriate form of employment development within the defined countryside as it would represent an opportunity to create much needed rural employment opportunities within the area. The development will support the local economy by providing a range of fit for purpose modern commercial units for local residents within the area which will in turn contribute towards the creation and retention of rural employment opportunities.

Planning & Design Practice Ltd is a multi-disciplinary team of Chartered Town Planners, Architects, Architectural Assistants and Heritage Specialists. Gaining planning permission is a key step in almost any development. We can take a project through from inception to completion, but we also offer the flexibility to engage a client’s own architects and provide a planning service, whilst our design team can also work with clients who have engaged other town planning professionals.

Planning & Design Practice Ltd are well versed in researching and understanding local Council’s policies to ensure the best possible case if put forward for our clients.

For a free, no obligation consultation to discuss your project, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Andrew Stock, Associate Director Planning & Design Practice Ltd.

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