Delivering ongoing diversification


Helping to deliver ongoing diversification Planning & Design Practice is pleased to announce that planning permission has been secured for the change of use of existing business premises (revoked Use Class B1) to storage and distribution (Use Class B8) with an ancillary office (Use Class E(g)ii) helping promote local business at a site in Marston Montgomery, Derbyshire.

The application site is a former agricultural building within a former agricultural small-holding which is part of a process of wider development and diversification. The redevelopment of the site represents an opportunity to create more efficient rural employment opportunities within the defined countryside.

It was successfully argued that the change of use of the site would be an appropriate form of employment development within the defined countryside, in compliance with Policy S4 of the Local Plan. Additionally, it will encourage diversification and growth of local business and more efficiently use a site that is unsuited to modern employment requirements in line with Policies S9 and EC1 of the Local Plan. The development will support the local economy and contribute to the creation and retention of rural employment opportunities.

There will be no adverse impact on the landscape character of the countryside, there will be no loss of amenities for the occupants of nearby properties and there are no changes to the highway network so safe and suitable access can be achieved.

Planning & Design Practice have a successful history with the ongoing diversification of this site. We have previously obtained prior approval to change the use of the central modern agricultural barn into business premises which includes a training, demonstration and conference area to support our client’s business.

Providing a boost for rural tourism, we secured planning permission enabling the conversion of a traditional barn range at the site to form two holiday lets, as well as having obtained prior approval under Class Q permitted development rights for the conversion of an agricultural building to a new home on the western part of the site. This conversion project is now complete.

We were also successful in securing retrospective planning permission allowing for the retention of two wildlife ponds at the site, creating biodiversity gains. The assessment of Biodiversity Net Gain has become an increasingly important consideration for landowners, developers and Council’s following the publishing of the Environment Act (2021) which came into law in November 2021.

We have vast experience of working on rural projects for homeowners, landowners and farmers in rural areas. We can provide you with expert advice on issues to be taken into account prior to submission of your application through to receiving the decision. For a free, no obligation consultation to discuss your project, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on 01332 347371.

Megan Askham, Planner – Planning & Design Practice Ltd.

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