Sheffield Council planning jobs under threat?

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It is believed that around 40 jobs are under threat at Sheffield City Council as part of a restructure of the council’s planning & development department.

The jobs thought to be under threat include access officers, members of the urban design team, conservation officers, landscape architects, as well as others.

At the last full council meeting, Councillor Bob Johnson, cabinet member for development, was asked about the job losses and said he was in dispute about what was going to happen.

He said: “Unfortunately we are still in a collective dispute with the planning service following the restructure so it would be really difficult and probably ill-advised for me to comment publicly until such time as that dispute has been resolved.”

Among the jobs under threat are two part-time access officers. Disability Sheffield has launched a petition to save the roles.

Councillor Douglas Johnson, Green Party leader and City ward representative, said the role of the specialists was vital to making Sheffield an attractive, safe and accessible place for the public and said the proposals could weaken planning regulation.

Commenting on the proposed losses Jonathan Jenkin, Managing Director, Planning & Design said,

‘It is important to the smooth delivery of planning permission that the council has enough skilled and competent planning officers and those who support the planning team in specialist roles. Good conservation officers and urban designers can be very effective in helping to deliver development and it is important for us as consultants that we can meet and discuss development proposals with council officers at the pre-app stage as well as during the application process. One of our problems is the lack of specialist staff in most councils which limits pre-application advice which can lead to abortive planning applications and delays in getting planning permission. We do not want this situation to develop in Sheffield so we are concerned that the cuts will lead to the loss of skilled professionals, a reduction in the level of service available to the development industry and delays in the planning process.’

Planning & Design Practice Ltd is a multi-disciplinary team of Town Planners, Architects, Architectural Assistants and Design Professionals. We have extensive knowledge about the policies and procedures of individual councils and the approach taken by planning officers and Councillors.

Please contact Michael Bradford, Associate, if you require assistance with planning applications, appeals or local plan representations or require advice on lawful development certificates or development appraisals, or telephone 0114 221 0618.

Update on the ‘Sheffield Plan’

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Sheffield City Council are in the process of preparing a new local plan (and have been for some time). The ‘Sheffield Plan’ will guide the future of the city by setting out how and where development will take place up to 2034.

Preparation of the ‘Sheffield Plan’ has seen significant setbacks over the years and has meant that development across the city is guided by saved policies from the now very out of date Sheffield Unitary Development Plan which was adopted in 1998 and the Core Strategy which was adopted in 2009.

The first stage in producing the new plan was the Citywide Options for Growth to 2034 document. Consultation on that document took place between 11 November 2015 and 15 January 2016 and there has been very little tangible progress since.

The last formal update on the local plan was published in July 2016 and since then there has been a significant level of uncertainty on the proposed content of the plan and the timeline for adoption.

Things have been moving on behind the scenes and, upon speaking to the Council’s Planning Department, they anticipate providing a formal update on progress with the local plan as well as a timetable for consultation, examination and hopeful adoption within the next week.

This should provide a much clearer position on when a draft local plan will be released, and we will keep you informed as things progress.

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Planning & Design have recently made a significant investment to their presence in Sheffield with a move to new premises and several key appointments.

Housed in a former 1930s’ car showroom, Planning & Design now reside in The Workstation, Sheffield’s leading business centre for creative talent and innovation in the heart of the city’s thriving Cultural Industries Quarter.

Leading the Sheffield office will be Michael Bamford. A chartered town planning consultant, Michael started with Planning Design in 2015 and carved out his early career with the group. Having left the company in early 2018 to work with a National Consultancy based in Sheffield, he returned to Planning Design this summer and takes the lead on the operation of our Sheffield Office.

To contact Michael please call 0114 221 0618 or email