Old barns, new homes

Old Barns New Homes

Planning & Design Practice have successfully secured planning permission for the conversion of two former farm buildings into two houses within the open countryside in Loscoe, Derbyshire. The barns enjoy views across to Heanor Gate.

The approved plans have allowed for conversions that will see two contrasting dwellings. Plot 1 is a rectangular, single storey, two-bed roomed dwelling with new windows across all elevations. Plot 2 is an irregularly shaped two-floor three-bed roomed home with a new glass link between the kitchen and the lounge and new windows across all elevations. These have been carefully designed to respect the agricultural character of the site, with no significant rebuilding, alterations or extensions.

Planning permission for the conversion of agricultural buildings into dwellings in Amber Valley can be difficult to achieve, especially when partially located outside of settlement boundaries and within the Green Belt. Our planning argument was built around the allowance for development within the Green Belt in accordance with Local Plan policy EN2 and the conversion of existing buildings in the countryside in accordance with Local Plan policy H6. As the development followed the below criterion, the principle of the conversion of the barns into dwellings within the Green Belt was deemed acceptable:

  1. “The proposals would not have significantly greater impact than the existing use on the openness of the Green Belt and the reasons for including land within the Green Belt
  2. Strict control is exercised over any future extension of the building and any associated land uses which might conflict with the openness of the Green Belt and the reasons for including land within the Green Belt
  3. The buildings are of permanent and substantial construction and are capable of conversion without major or complete reconstruction
  4. The form, bulk and general design of the buildings are in keeping with their surroundings”.

Additionally, in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework, the proposed development will help to boost the supply of homes (paragraph 59), re-use redundant barns and enhance the immediate setting of the area (paragraph 80) and will promote under-utilised buildings to effectively supply housing on the site (paragraph 120).

The site is sustainably located on the edge of the Loscoe settlement boundary, within walking distance of essential amenities, services and public transport routes to nearby centres.

We are delighted to have achieved a permission that will secure the future of the building, will provide a future resident with a home in the country, and has unlocked significant value in the site.

Rural planning advice – Barns, Farms Diversification, Tourism

We have vast experience working on rural projects for homeowners, landowners and farmers in rural areas including rural housing development, barn conversions (both through planning applications and prior approval), farm diversification schemes and tourist accommodation.

For a no obligation consultation to discuss your project or property, please contact us on 01332 347371.

Megan Askham, Planner, Planning & Design Practice Ltd

Class Q success delivers double dwellings

PDP_Class Q Double

Two new homes will be created following a successful Class Q planning application. Andrew Stock in collaboration with Jonathan Jenkin and the Architectural Team at Planning & Design Practice are pleased to announce that planning permission has been secured for the change of use and associated building operations of two agricultural buildings known as ‘The Green Barn’ and ‘The Black Barn’ to form two houses in Kniveton, Derbyshire.

The application site has a rather complex planning history, which Andrew Stock, who recently joined us as a Principal Planner, knows very well having been the Planning Officer who dealt with a number of applications at this site whilst previously working for Derbyshire Dales District Council.

The Green Barn is the smaller of the two existing agricultural buildings consisting of a single detached steel framed agricultural building. This building is enclosed on three and a half sides, with the half open side facing the other barn.

Figure 1: Photograph of the Green Barn

The building would be converted into a two bed roomed dwelling, comprising an open plan kitchen/living area, plant room, WC, utility/storage room and an open plan lobby/dining area.

Figure 2: Approved elevations of the Green Barn

The Black Barn is the larger of the two building as it is formed of a traditional stone and tile barn with an adjoining modern steel framed addition. The buildings are fully enclosed. The modern addition is finished in corrugated sheets above a concrete panel plinth.

Figure 3: Photograph of the Black Barn

The building would be converted into a three bed roomed dwelling, with the stone building converted into a kitchen and dining space with the remainder parts of the building providing living space and bedroom/ancillary space.

Figure 4: Approved elevations of the Black Barn

The total combined habitable floor space for of the development would be approximately 459m2 and the total combined curtilages would extend to approximately 430m2.

Class Q Barn Conversions are something Planning & Design Practice are well versed in, having helped lots of clients imagine and realise their dream homes. The permitted development right legislation is a notoriously complicated and complex issue with many Planning Authorities. Since the permitted development right legislation was introduced, there have been several notable appeal decisions which have altered and clarified how Class Q applications should be dealt with by an Authority.

More recently, the term “fallback” is used in when an existing consent confirms that the principle of development which can then be used as a lever to gaining full planning permission. For example, if prior approval had been obtained to carry out the conversion of an agricultural building to a residential dwelling via Class Q (agricultural to residential conversion), this then allows the existing fallback position (in this case the Class Q prior approval) to be applied to a full planning application for a similar scheme.

It is an area of planning which also attracts the interests of those people who wish to push the ex-tent of their properties in the green belt using householder permitted development rights. Particularly in those instances when local plan policies are restrictive on the amount of extension allowed.

We have vast experience of working on barn conversions both via full planning and/or prior approval (Class Q) application routes. For a free, no obligation consultation to discuss your project, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.